Reding Martial Arts 28th Anniversary

October 1st 1996 was the first day @rmajiujitsu had classes. I had just graduated high school ! Crazy looking back on it now to see what it has become. I remember sitting in school just waiting to get out so I could open this school. I remember at the time I had a school counselor that met with me my senior year and he asked me in his office to see what it was I wanted to do with my life. I remember telling him I was going to open a martial arts school. He laughed at me. Told me i better pick something that had a future. Well I’ve never been one to follow someone else’s path. I knew at 19 I would do this forever. And now here we are 28 years later ! Tons of people to thank. This list is long. I’m grateful for every single person that has been a part of this actual daydream I had 28 years ago and was able to turn into a reality. There is absolutely no way @rmajiujitsu would be what it is today without so many people that helped me along the way. If I could give one piece of advice I have learned over the years it would be to develop relationships in a honest way that last a lifetime. I have tried my best at that and I believe that’s one great thing @rmajiujitsu has that few get to. Great relationships. Here’s to 28 years and I’m excited to see where the years ahead take us all. Thank you 🙏